Annapolis Dog Walking Fall Pet Safety

Fall is officially here! As the countdown to Halloween and Thanksgiving begins, be sure to brush up on your fall safety tips from your favorite dog walker! We’ll be keeping these changes in mind as we take care of your pet and we think you should benefit from these tips as well!

Changing Weather Means New Outdoor Hazards For Your Pet:

Fall is the height of flea season! Be sure to check your dogs thoroughly and prevent fleas through whichever means you prefer. Be aware of any scratching!

Your pets allergies might flare up with ragweed, pollen, and mold making an appearance. If you see your dog scratching or with red itchy looking bumps, that is another potential cause.

As small rodents seek shelter inside and near homes, more people will be using chemicals and poison to deal with these issues. Be sure to watch what your pet gets into!

If you are a person who likes to enjoy the beautiful fall weather, be aware of special fall hazards. Snakes that are preparing to hiberate will be a little more grumpy. Mushrooms, some of which are poisonous are springing up. Acorns and oak leaves are surprisingly very poisonous–so keep your pet away from them as well!

Fall Holidays Pose Special Dangers:

Although many people love to share leftovers with their pets, remember that turkey and chicken bones can splinter easily and cause major health problems for your dogs. Some important poisonous indoor hazards this time of year are grapes, raisins, and walnuts! Watch your pet carefully.

With lots and lots of candy and chocolate appearing in areas of the house that are very accessible to your pet, be very careful. Not only can the chocolate and candy cause major issues, but the wrappers themselves can obstruct your pet’s bowels in a very nasty way.

When costume time comes, keep some things in mind! Your pet’s costume should not be a hazard to them–so be sure it doesn’t impair their vision, movement, ability to breath, or can be pulled off and chewed. Many dogs (and even some cats) are very tolerant and you might not realize how uncomfortable they are in their costumes!

As more visitors come to your house for Halloween, remember that your pet does not know what a costume is. He or she might be frightened by other people in costumes–even people they normally know. This is especially important thing to remember during Trick or Treating. If you want to bring your dog along with you or keep them out as others visit, be sure to keep them safe, secure, and under control.


For More Tips On Keeping Your Pet Safe This Fall Visit: